Senate votes on START treaty

November 16, 2010

WikiLeaks has certainly raised alarm in President Barack Obama’s office, as the scandalous website has recently released classified documents involving the White House. This comes right after President Obama’s troubles with the Senate to get them to ratify a U.S.-Russia arms reduction treaty. The said documents are rumored to contain details on the Afghanistan war, and WikiLeaks is about to prepare another document exposure of the underlying negotiations behind the Russian strategic arms reduction. This adds to the President’s worries which include comments by Republican vote Sen. Jon Kyl during an interview with NBC’s Meet The Press.

The Senator is in disbelief of how the Senate was able to relay their votes on the said treaty despite the lame duck session that has been going on. Kyl further comments that the vote was cast based on the senators’ perceptions of reality instead of grounding them on policies. Kyl adds that if Senate leader Harry Reid gave two weeks of further debate and amendment process, there would have been time to think things over a lot better.
Sen. Richard Durbin meanwhile expressed his disinterest with Kyl’s views, saying that giving further time to “ignore and push” aside the START treaty would not be beneficial to U.S.-Russian relations in the midst of the very critical Iranian nuclear program crisis. Sen. Lindsey Graham meanwhile says during an interview with Fox News Sunday that he is not aware of how WikiLeaks will be in any position to change the Senate vote on the treaty.